Saturday, January 21, 2017

A New Experience

Paisley and I are going to have a new experience today. Sheryl works at an assisted living facility and we were talking about it this past evening. I asked her if they allow dogs there. When she said that they did, it was decided that I would bring Paisley to visit on a day that she was working. I'm a little nervous but still anticipating a good time.
Along the way I have a few errands to take care of; the bank, library, the market, etc etc. I have laundry that needs to be done, a floor that needs mopped and a few tasks like that. This evenings plans are to do a luminary walk with Beth. I am very excited about that!
My little Japanese Maple was covered with Sparrows this morning. I thought it looked cute so I took a picture to share

Sunday, January 1, 2017

A New Year

Today, being January 1st I took special note of everything that was happening. When we were on our way to church everything seemed so new and fresh! The sparkly white frost made everything so beautiful. I drove because of Elmer's pain in his hip so of course my eyes were everywhere taking in everything. I couldn't stop looking at all the beauty! The houses looked so homey, especially the one with smoke coming out of the chimney.
I love going to church anyhow, but at least part of the joy for me is the ride to Champaign. I love that it takes almost an hour to get there. Driving is so soothing and peaceful. It allows time to dream and look at everything along the way. I always scan all the trees for hawks. I love seeing them and if it weren't so dangerous, I would certainly stop for photos! Along with 6 hawks today, we saw flocks of Canada Geese, crows scrounging for road kill, and an especially interesting old tree.
Church was inspiring as always, with words for the New Year and some beloved songs that we haven't sang in awhile. Afterwards we went out to Olive Garden for lunch with Dale and Louise and Emily.
This afternoon is shaping up to be very quiet and lazy. I would like to go for a drive but I guess I'll give Elmer a break and let him watch the game.
I do have a photo from yesterday when we drove through Walnut Point State Park