Friday, February 17, 2017

Spring Fever

Today I am at work as I was for the past two days. It is not busy, so I have been spending a lot of time on Pinterest. The weather is so beautiful, so all I can do is look at gardening sites, fairy gardens and flowers. I really have a bad case of Spring fever.
There are a couple of projects I really want to try. I absolutely love making fairy gardens so of course the projects I have in mind have to do with those. Here is the one I want to do. Hobbit type things really set my imagination in gear!
I also have been looking at bonsai trees. I would love to learn to do that. I need to look into classes for that.
This morning I really didn't want to go to work this morning! I just wanted to go looking for photo ops. I did take off a little early to take a few pictures of old barns before I went to work.
My brother in law was here this morning and said that his wife had already planted lettuce. It really gives me the itch to start mine. I could plant lettuce and possibly some radishes or kohlrabi.
I am thinking about making my own seed tapes for kohlrabi. It would sure save time pulling out plants when they come up too thickly. I'm going to look up an article to make sure I know how to do it.
I spend a lot of time going through all the photos on my computer and today I found one I absolutely love. I'll share that one and log off