Thursday, July 31, 2014

Modern Day Sheep

As I passed a field of sheep this morning that was located right beside the owners yard it got me to wondering about the difference between sheep raised in such a tame pasture and the sheep that are raised in a wilder setting where there is the danger of wolves, bears or even mountain lions. Are we as American Christians as spoiled as those sheep in that tame pasture. Do we take our Christianity so for granted that we wouldn't even know how to fight for the right to worship God? Have we become so self-satisfied and lazy in our beliefs that we even consider how blessed we are to be able to for the most part worship as we choose. If we were more like the sheep who have to be ever vigilant for their life would our faith be stronger and sweeter. I don't know if this is true or not but I believe the time is close when we won't take it for granted.
Today was a busy day from the get go. I knew that  I had to get up early to go help my mom so as usual in that case I woke up way early and couldn't go back to sleep. That doesn't give me enough to make it through the day. I went to the Scovill Zoo with my sister Donna and her twins after I was done helping my mom. I definitely used up my energy running after them. I crashed after I got home.
I love summer. There is so much beauty and good food to enjoy. I enjoy a lot of the insects I see too. This is one of them

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Day With Family

Today I met with Elmer's sisters and sisters-in-law met back at his mom's house and cleaned the big house so the grandson that bought the place could move in on Saturday. Those ladies know how to clean! We cleaned that house from top to bottom. I would challenge anybody to find a speck of dirt anywhere. It was spotless! It is a two story house with a basement and we were done by noon! I know they all do that for each other when they are getting ready to have church in their house. They would probably  have a fit if they ever cleaned my house but that's ok. We are happy in our not so perfect house.
While we were there one of the sisters was telling us how somebody asked her if her and her husband talk together much when they are doing their barn chores in the morning. She said 4:00 AM is too early for a conversation. You just do your chores silently:) That made me think about the conversations Elmer and I have. Since he has been diagnosed with cancer it seems so much more important to share everything. Not that we didn't talk before but anything we do together seems just a little sweeter now. When we first got married I was sure that I loved him more than anybody else could possibly love their husband and I really did love him but it was a childish love. The years together have sweetened and matured our love. Marriage is really worth working for!
It has been unseasonably cool this year but my tomatoes are still ripening slowly. I want to try to make some sundried tomatoes for the first time this year. Hopefully they will turn out ok. I love recipes with them in it. I am also strongly thinking about making my own ketchup. Sounds a little scary but I really think I want to do it. My corn is done for the year  with 45 pints in the freezer. I didn't do any green beans.
It is time to put up the laptop and go to work.


Monday, July 28, 2014

Weekend Events

Friday was spent helping my sisters-in-law helping my Mother-in-law clean her new house so that we could move her in Friday evening when the guys came by to help. I was made very aware of  how hard a change like that could be and have been thinking a lot about how important it is to keep out focus on God so that when changes happen we have Godly attitudes. I pray that I will remember that as life goes on. Since there are eleven kids in Elmer's family there were many hands that made the job move quickly, There were a few of the grandchildren there also that were very willing to help. All in all it was a pretty good time.
Saturday evening Elmer and I went to my sister Louise's house along with our Steve and Nancy for Elmer's birthday. After we had eaten dinner we went out on the deck to enjoy the evening. There must have been a lot of mosquitos or other bugs out there because there were about 8 or 10 barn swallows flying up and down and around and around. It seemed to me that God had arranged an air show just for us. It was so cool to see!
Saturday evening Elmer and I were talking about the fact that we had taken a break from the Welcome Center at church while he was taking radiation treatments because we didn't know how his body would react to the treatments. We decided to tell Jacob that we could once again take our turn. When Elmer talked to him Sunday morning there was a need for us right away so it was good that we had made that decision.
This morning something made me aware sometimes we have to obedient to God in one area to get an answer to prayer in another. Am I saying that we have to pay God for answers? No I'm not saying that at all but here is an example to what I mean. I knew that I was supposed to call the hospital business office to straighten up confusion about a bill of Elmer's mom's but I kept putting it off. In the meantime it came to light that I had lost a piece of mail of Emily’s that she hadn’t even seen yet. I was worried because the envelope looked like it contained an invitation and she wouldn’t be able to respond if she didn’t even get to read it. I was so worried about the mail that I actually went outside and went through a gross bag of trash Elmer had set out for the garbage truck. No luck! When I finally responded to my conscience and did something about the bill I discovered Emily’s letter tucked inside the envelope of the bill. Relieved, almost hysterical laughter came from my mouth as I saw it! God and his answers! I love him so!

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Elmer's Birthday

Today was Elmer's birthday and nothing really special happened but nothing makes you appreciate your husband's birthday more than just being happy that you still have him. I haven't written anything in awhile. Since I last wrote Elmer has gone through radiation for thyroid cancer and finished it. It went really well but he did and still does have a sore throat that makes it really hard to enjoy eating. Because of that I didn't protest too much when he said that instead of going out for his birthday he wants to go help his nephew.
I did however take cookies to Mid-State for everybody in honor of him. There are approx. 150 people working there so I started baking cookies on Monday; a huge batch of monster cookies, then on Tuesday I made a double batch of peanut butter cookies, and on Wednesday Annika and Shae came over and I made a double batch of snicker doodles. They were all pretty much inhaled by the end of first break. Then for lunch I took pulled pork and sides from Pauly's - a local eating place that Elmer enjoys.
After I came home from there I took a little break then went out and mowed the yard. For some reason I got to wondering how many miles I put on the lawn mower when I mow so I used map my run and found that I went 4.25 miles and it took me and 1hour and 20 minutes. Just a little trivia:) I do love mowing the yard. Elmer and I have planted so many things in the years that we have lived here. I do love my flowers and I can look at all of them as I mow. I also picked a bunch of tomatoes. So exciting to have fresh tomatoes! I love them! I'm making grilled burgers for dinner for Emily and me. Burgers, fresh tomatoes, and onions, yummy!