Yesterday was one of those days that I thoroughly enjoy. I woke up with enough energy to actually get things done! Yay! I was still enjoying a cup of coffee when my sister in law called. Now you might think that delayed my schedule, but in reality it sped things up. I am usually wearing wireless earbuds because I love listening to audio books while I work, but I can also use them to talk on the phone so I have my hands free. Anyhow back to the phone call. I love when people call to chat while I am working! I get so much done when I am chatting. Later on my daughter also called and we chatted for a while. Again it just sped my work up.
I got a good start to my laundry and cruised around the house picking things up that I had missed since the weekend when some of the grandkids spent several days at the house. They love to play with legos and usually the rule is that they have stay in the play area in the living room. They aren't allowed to leave the room with them and especially not outside. However, with 5 kids it's really hard to keep my eye on them all the time. I've been finding legos everywhere, so yesterday when I moved furniture and was cleaning around and under things I kept finding them. I thought surely I've found them all, then I'd find some more. I even found some on the shelving unit in the garage!
I was doing really good at giving my kitchen floor a good cleaning when my husband came home from work to grab a bite to eat before he goes down to the farm to help with filling the silo. That brought a halt to the cleaning and laundry for a bit. Before I knew it, it was time to grab a shower and leave for my hair appointment.
On the way, to Mattoon for my appointment I used the time to search for signs of fall. I stopped and took pictures of corn fields that seemed to stretch for miles, soy bean fields that are rapidly changing color and fields with lots of goldenrod on the border. I know that farmers don't enjoy the goldenrod but I love the vibrant color. There was a pile of spilled corn on the road too, a sure sign of harvest.
There are lots and lots of mums and pumpkins for sale everywhere. I do enjoy fall but it always makes me so sad to see summer go. I love to be outside and be warm. I really don't like to be chilly. I enjoy sweaters and pants but I love, love shorts and tank tops. Oh well, I need to accept that fall is here, the signs are everywhere
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