Sometimes as I look at the people around and notice the things they do in life I wonder if I really do anything important or lasting as I go about the days. I help our kids when they ask for help, pray for them and thank God for them. Is that enough or should I be doing more?
I have several part time jobs but is cleaning offices and detesting it at the same time doing important things? I also help my brother in law when he asks me to help at his lawn furniture store. It's not an exciting job, actually pretty meh so that's probably not memorable.
I take my mom to run her errands, to Dr,'s appts, pay her bills and help her make decisions. That's very important but probably not memorable.
My sister often calls me when they need help with something or need a ride somewhere. Important? Probably, but is it memorable?
The rest of my siblings often call me for advice, recipes or help in figuring things out. I guess that's important.
I'm at my happiest when it's just me and my husband together whether it's on road trips or doing jobs together. That's when I feel most secure and relaxed. I love puttering around our house and just being at home. Basically I'm a very introverted person. I don't mind being alone and especially I love being int the woods or just outdoors. I love summer so much but I'm usually content in all seasons.
I hope when I get to stand in front of God, He will say Well done, because most days I don't feel like have accomplished anything important